Eyes to the Soul


I've been looking into these eyes for 42 years. These are the eyes of my treasured wife, Laura. They still get me. They comfort me. They help me understand what's going on inside of her. When these eyes look deeply into my own, I know my wife is seeing more than an iris or pupil. She sees deeply inside me. If I'm honest, my eyes say more than I wish they did sometimes.

You've heard this before: the eyes are a window into the human soul. We look at someone, regardless of the depth of relationship we share, and say things like:

  • "He had a smile on his face, but his eyes didn't say the same thing."

  • "Her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree!"

  • "His eyes were open, but nobody was home."

  • "She seemed so hollow. Like there was no life at all."

Our eyes - like it or not - convey anger, sickness, disappointment, fear, confusion, fatigue, joy, empathy, life and lifelessness.

More than a biological compilation of cells, we human beings carry a divine intricacy that reflects our Maker's intent for us to live life fully alive, fully integrated. God's creation of the human body, mind, will, and soul is nothing short of a miracle. A miracle that extends life to others - if we live lives that are integrated: body, mind, will... and soul. 

It is the soul that holds the capacity for real life. The soul longs for life, is created for life. And that life is only fully realized when our soul is at peace, at rest with our Creator. 

“The “with God” life is not a life of more religious activities or devotions or trying to be good. It is a life of inner peace and contentment for your soul with the maker and manager of the universe. The “without God” life is the opposite. It is death. It will kill your soul.”
John Ortberg, Soul Keeping: Caring For the Most Important Part of You

We will our body and mind to hide the disintegration we sometimes feel. But our souls, that's another story. Our souls won't allow the hiding. Our soul holds the truth. And that truth is measured in terms of life or death

My friend and pastor, Jason Miller, said:

"Resurrection is for dead people. If you don't get honest about what is dead inside you, you'll miss out."

Jesus said, 

“I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die." John 11:25-26

Are your eyes tired of trying to convey a happy story about the condition of your soul? Jesus said, 

“The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light." Matthew 6:22


Made in the Image of LOVE


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